
Member since ‎Aug 23, 2022
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Ollie Nightingale

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ONightingale on March 08, 2023
I've been notified by a colleague that certain people in a mailing list are not receiving the email. There are two (static) lists in order for them to work in a workflow -Daily mailer -Weekly mailer I can see the people are on the lists and th read more
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3 Replies
March 08, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thanks for this, it was your first suggestion under comman reasons, they are non marketing contacts. I'm assuming they'll have to more
ONightingale on March 08, 2023
I've been notified by a colleague that certain people in a mailing list are not receiving the email. There are two (static) lists in order for them to work in a workflow -Daily mailer -Weekly mailer I can see the people are on the lists and th read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
March 08, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thanks for this, it was your first suggestion under comman reasons, they are non marketing contacts. I'm assuming they'll have to more
ONightingale on January 31, 2023
A colleague of mine has tried repeatedly to install the Gmail Sales Extension. but the same error message keeps appearing. What can be done to fix this?  
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2 Replies
ONightingale on November 15, 2022
I'm trying to create a grid of tiles on a webpage. (Without modules it presents some challenges.) Regarding interactivity the tiles, i deally when users scroll over them it will show their social follower numbers and a feed that can automaticall read more
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9 Replies
November 17, 2022
Hi Jennifer, Thanks for sending that over but I don't think I'll get permission to spend that much money on a theme We recently migrated to more
ONightingale on November 15, 2022
I'm trying to create a grid of tiles on a webpage. (Without modules it presents some challenges.) Regarding interactivity the tiles, i deally when users scroll over them it will show their social follower numbers and a feed that can automaticall read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
November 17, 2022
Hi Jennifer, Thanks for sending that over but I don't think I'll get permission to spend that much money on a theme We recently migrated to more
ONightingale on November 15, 2022
I'm trying to create a grid of tiles on a webpage. (Without modules it presents some challenges.) Regarding interactivity the tiles, i deally when users scroll over them it will show their social follower numbers and a feed that can automaticall read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
November 17, 2022
Hi Jennifer, Thanks for sending that over but I don't think I'll get permission to spend that much money on a theme We recently migrated to more
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