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Julian Mamaj

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JMamaj on April 12, 2024
Hi Hubspot, Please let us create Invoices based on Quotes Payment Plans! We love the native Quoting Feature. It saves us hours of time, looks good, and helps my sales team be more focused on selling. We are looking to have the same on the invoi Beitrag ansehen
MJV47 on November 24, 2022
Now that WhatsApp is available to connect on inbox it would be very useful to integrate a chatflow for WhatsApp, very similar to Facebook chatflow.
25 Antworten
Dezember 22, 2023
Can you provide us with an Answer if this is in the Pipeline? @hubspot
JMamaj on November 14, 2022
Hi, could you allow us to have a product with a non-defined price? (Price displayed as "--" and an explanation) I'd like to use Hubspot to Quote our Clients, but we only know the shipping price after the Products arrived at the Client's place. Th Beitrag ansehen
JMamaj on November 04, 2022
Hi, I'd love to see a feature in the future, which allows one meeting link to be used across the whole team, that shows the correct calendar based on the country the prospect is in. How we operate, and I guess many other companies do as well, is Beitrag ansehen
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