
Member since ‎Aug 18, 2022
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ASib14 on August 24, 2022
Hubspot, what are you playing at. i get so many dodgy messages via chat and my small business website isn't even one for getting high traffic. I can't prevent these time wasting dodgy spam messages unless i either stop using chat or you build in som read more
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ASib14 on August 24, 2022
Hi can anyone suggest any solutions to prevent so much spam coming in via our chatflow? It's flooding in and we get so many random messages. With the free version i'm not aware that i can request an email address before chatting. Can anyone help? read more
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4 Replies
August 24, 2022
Thanks Dan, i don't see the option to request an email before starting Chat. That would really help as i could block them, but currently i get all more
ASib14 on August 24, 2022
Hi can anyone suggest any solutions to prevent so much spam coming in via our chatflow? It's flooding in and we get so many random messages. With the free version i'm not aware that i can request an email address before chatting. Can anyone help? read more
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4 Replies
August 24, 2022
Thanks Dan, i don't see the option to request an email before starting Chat. That would really help as i could block them, but currently i get all more
ASib14 on August 22, 2022
Hi, i'm new to using CRM with outlook. All emails are sent from outlook and as a small company we always include each other in cc or bcc. I've noticed that Hubspot only seems to show our own company ID on the right hand side Hubspot Sales window. It read more
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