
Member since ‎Aug 16, 2022
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Jacqueline Y

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JY4 on May 10, 2023
Feature for admins. Goal: To actually allow rich text in a global personalization of a rich text field. Value: To allow the standard rich text field features to actually be used globally! In my case, it would be great for legal complianc read more
JY4 on April 06, 2023
Description: Right now, I download desired contact data from my hubspot account and then my client uploads it daily to his hubspot account. I am looking for a way to automate this process. Goal: To automate the sending of particular contact data to read more
JY4 on September 29, 2022
Ability to limit user to only access particular contact lists of contact data. This provides security when particular vendors need limited data access which can be definited by a static or active list, instead of a 'team'.
JY4 on August 16, 2022
Create the possibility for an end user to save "in progess" edits and 'share' their form while it's in edit mode. Therefore, if a few people in a team that need to provide information for the form, it can be shared while it's in process. For me, it' read more
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