
Miembro desde ‎ago 12, 2022
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Tiffany Kendall

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Agosto 18, 2022
hi @karstenkoehler , I can't seem to get my workflow to count the number of activities - do I need to do this another way?
Agosto 17, 2022
thanks @karstenkoehler , that's what I thought too but was driving myself mad trying to think of a way round it
Agosto 17, 2022
Thanks Karsten, but I'm not sure that will work as a deal will still stay in closed won afterwards. And sales activities will still continue to add u...Leer más
Tiffk en Agosto 17, 2022
Hi, I am wanting to create a report that will count the number of sales activities to get to closed won (can be all and I will also then break them down). Happy to create a field to put these in as in our company we continue to add sales activitie Leer más
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7 Respuestas
Tiffk en Agosto 12, 2022
Hubspot is there anyway we can get merging workflows on the roadmap? I have recently joined a new company and we want to consolidate a number of workflows into one. It would be way easier if we were able to merge and just edit after than to start f Leer más
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