
Member since ‎Aug 10, 2022
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Melissa Leonard

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MLeonard54 on February 09, 2023
Job Description for: Senior Sales Operations Coordinator Summary: The Senior Sales Operations Coordinator (SSOC) will lead the Sales Operations Coordinator team. This team provides administrative support to optimize the Organic Sales read more
MLeonard54 on October 06, 2022
I can create a list of Contacts and filter them by Deal properties, which is great! On the list that is generated, I'd like the option to add Deal properties to the view on the List. I also think it would be great if I could change the Lead Sta read more
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danmoyle on May 02, 2022
We use Custom Objects for interacting with our Contacts. Which means we email from those Custom Objects. Unfortunately, we can't use Templates unless we're in Company, Deal or Contact records. I'd love to see us have access to Templates in Custom Ob read more
11 Replies
October 06, 2022
@adimarino Thanks! Do you know if HubSpot is considering the ability to have personalized tokens based on custom object properties? We've hit a more
ChristineGast on February 03, 2022
Happy to finally have the ability to use custom object properties as personalization tokens in automated emails, but the lack of that ability in regular marketing emails seems like a huge miss. Personalization is so key to email marketing succe read more
3 Replies
October 06, 2022
YESSSSSS. This is a huge roadblock for our company. We've made this Custom Object, but now we are limited in how we can use it. We are having to more
MLeonard54 on October 06, 2022
When a user is importing info, there is an option "Don't Override Information" for Contacts or Company. Can we extend this to also include Deals and Custom Objects? I import Deal information on a weekly basis because the deal info is constantly chan read more
jmt415 on May 19, 2022
It would be great to: 1.) Have an 'add/remove' association action in a workflow 2.) Be able to add or remove associations in a contact/company list view
25 Replies
October 06, 2022
Is this a thing yet? It needs to be!
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