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Stefania Ramírez

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Lucila-Andimol on Juni 15, 2021
Sometimes when a deal is closed won, with an approved/sign quotes changes must be made (because of a sales misunderstanding or error) Even if the sales team create a new quote for approval, this old quote need to be canceled. We need this functi Beitrag ansehen
Februar 03, 2023
Algunas veces tenemos una necesidad real de hacerlo. Tal vez haga de esto un permiso especial o al menos que esté disponible solo para superadministr...Beitrag ansehen
SRamírez3 on November 23, 2022
Desactivar la opción de método de pago de Hubspot en el módulo de cotizaciones de HubSpot, para que los Sales Rep no puedan seleccionar esta opción, sino que únicamente elijan la forma de pago en Stripe, es decir, que quede por Default.
jmangiameli on Mai 02, 2022
Hello HubSpot community! We're excited to offer phone numbers and inbound call forwarding but we know users also want to answer calls within the browser app. Please use this post to let us know how important receiving inbound calls within HubSp Beitrag ansehen
22 Antworten
August 15, 2022
I need incoming calls, this is very important to call my clients Colombia and Chile.
childsmd on August 24, 2018
During testing of a unique business case, I identified that an unassigned Contact will be automatically assigned a Contact Owner if an email is sent through a connected inbox. Example: contact John Doe does not have an assigned Contact Owner. Sally Beitrag ansehen
46 Antworten
August 11, 2022
Hi, I have observed that too, and it is pretty annoying.
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