
Member since ‎Aug 9, 2022
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Molie Lamonde-Cantin

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milosuma on February 10, 2021
It would be great if the smart rule for content blocks in an email template would allow to hide the block completely if a set of conditions is not met, rather than just allow to serve different content within it. I would need a smart rule that comp read more
21 Replies
June 13, 2023
It seems like an essential. Is it in the process to be develop?
user9274004 on August 07, 2020
Hello! I need to add a smart rule where one group would see a button and the other would not. When there is a need to do that with a text block, I can simply leave it empty, but I don't see a way to remove button as I don't want one of the groups read more
6 Replies
June 13, 2023
Hi there, Your solution seem logical. Although, I do not see how to accomplish that. You can put a smart rule on the module of CTA, but I more
AnnaDudley on June 30, 2022
I wuld suggest allowing users to archive or put campaigns on hold. Sometimes things change but we don't want to delete completely everything that we did.
5 Replies
April 04, 2023
It would be marvelous to be able to archive the campaign but to be able to continue to comparing it. So, you couldn't add any other element, but you more
bille1986 on November 24, 2021
We are working to make hubspot a good system for our marketing events, and the custom object really come in handy here. We have made a custom object called "Events" and associate the contacts, companies and deals related to our different events. Thi read more
4 Replies
January 09, 2023
Hi, there is a partial solution, a pay app named Associ8 that permit to associate custom object to contacts... but contacts only. And it is very more
rtruncale on July 07, 2021
Currently, in HubSpot lists, workflows, and filtered views, you can only view contacts sent an email and the various actions based on an email sent. But if we want to review contacts who should have received an automated email, but were never sent t read more
December 14, 2022
Hi, it would be easier to have this. Thanks.
LoBalll on July 07, 2022
We need a VISUAL unsubscribe page! 1. Who is this idea for - Email Marketing teams & marketing specialists 2. Goal is to retain subscribers & remind them of the variety of their subscription options, including those that are more or read more
August 20, 2022
It needs to have more upvote here. I feel this is the essence of marketing.
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