
Member since ‎Aug 5, 2022
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Animesh Gupta

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AnimeshGupta on April 11, 2023
Hello All, I need to understand that how the traffic analysis can be done in a newly created campaign in Hubpspot. sceanrio : I create a campaign in twitter with an aim of Brand awareness for my website and used home page as Landing page and added read more
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AnimeshGupta on March 13, 2023
Hello All, I need to know one thing regarding the HSA parameters. I am running one campaign on LINKEDIN and in that i am using one of our website landing page with UTM parameters liek utm_source, utm_medium and utm_camapign. Once the Landing page read more
AnimeshGupta on February 28, 2023
Hi All, I am running a LinkedIn campaign (SIngle image ads). In that campaign i have used webiste URL haing UTM paratmeters added to it. on 27 Feb i got a conversion from my LinkedIn campaign and the contact got created in Hubspot (as the user fil read more
AnimeshGupta on January 23, 2023
Hi All, I have a query regarding LEAD GEN FORM Sync in Hubspot Account. I have created a LEAD GEN FORM Campaign on my LinkedIn account with an Lead gen form. The name of the Lead Gen form on LINKEDIN and Hubspot are different. Have a look at att read more
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4 Replies
January 25, 2023
Hi @Syeda_Fatima Thanks for providing the update. I need to know just one thing as you mentioned that " LinkedIn lead gen form is imported into more
AnimeshGupta on January 23, 2023
Hi All, I have a query regarding LEAD GEN FORM Sync in Hubspot Account. I have created a LEAD GEN FORM Campaign on my LinkedIn account with an Lead gen form. The name of the Lead Gen form on LINKEDIN and Hubspot are different. Have a look at att read more
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4 Replies
January 25, 2023
Hi @Syeda_Fatima Thanks for providing the update. I need to know just one thing as you mentioned that " LinkedIn lead gen form is imported into more
AnimeshGupta on January 18, 2023
Hello All, I am running Lead Gen Form Camapign on LinkedIn account. I have started getting Leads for the above campaign. Now checking the Conatct who filled the Lead Gen form in Hubspot the Lead Gen form name is not in the pattern that i have prov read more
January 19, 2023
Thanks @jolle but i have a question, why hubspot is pulling internal LinkedIn Lead gen from and from where are they generated? Is there any way to more
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