
Member since ‎Aug 4, 2022
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Dewayne Higgs

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djhiggs on May 06, 2024
Description: It would be great if there was a read-only unique value generated for each entry within a module field group. Right now, there isn't any truly unique value differentiating items within a field group. Who benefits: Mainly develope read more
vanessahunt on February 11, 2022
I've created a Ticket-based Workflow and would like to inform various internal team members about the Ticket that's been submitted. I've added a Send i nternal email notification action to the workflow, but this only seems to allow me to read more
4 Replies
February 10, 2023
I think this is a great idea! Since this pertains to internal notification emails, I don't see any issue with links to Ticket records.
Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme read more
January 19, 2023
This would be awesome to have! It actually surprises me that there currently isn't a way to enter time values from an end-user perspective.
djhiggs on September 21, 2022
I think it would be great if there was a way to execute GraphQL queries in a more dynamic fashion in HubL. Maybe something like how crm_objects() and related functions operate. We could call it crm_graphql() and pass in two arguments: the first one read more
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ndwilliams3 on May 21, 2021
As a Hubspot customer... 1) I would like the ability to re-send the registration email via workflow so that I can respond "in the moment" to a visitors request for help without human intervention. 2) I would like the ability to use a workfl read more
August 10, 2022
This would be awesome to have! Just throwing in my two cents.
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