
Member since ‎Aug 3, 2022
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December 21, 2023
Thanks for your commnets, as far as I know there is a number of quote that Oracle generate , I will touch base with IT and Back to your recomendation more
CarlosFdez on December 21, 2023
In order to make the sales process more fluid between our Hubspot CRM and our ERP (Oracle) and vice versa, I ask if there is connectivity so that the quote generated in PDF from the ERP appears in the Sales Pipiline as a Deal, This would be a grea read more
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CarlosFdez on December 21, 2023
In order to make the sales process more fluid between our Hubspot CRM and our ERP (Oracle) and vice versa, I ask if there is connectivity so that the quote generated in PDF from the ERP appears in the Sales Pipiline as a Deal , This would be a gr read more
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2 Replies
CarlosFdez on December 12, 2023
Consider it important that a search menu under de Audits Logs by Region / Country is attached to be able to download refined files with the information of our Region
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CarlosFdez on November 30, 2023
I consider it very important that the Sales Goals Menu is exclusive for each General Manager of each branch and equally that each salesperson has access to their sales quota. Today I see that both the manager and the salesperson have access to a read more
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November 10, 2023
As different users comment, it is very relevant and important that different currencies can be configured on a global level, the amounts of the deal more
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