
Member since ‎Aug 3, 2022
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ChereeOmtvedt on November 14, 2018
It would be great if we could add the company name to the task list. Our sales team uses tasks 80-95% of the time, and we run multiple calling campaigns and, follow up on a weekly basis, sometimes with multiple contacts from the same company. read more
47 Replies
October 13, 2022
Any update on this? I can't be the only user that is increasingly frustrated by having a list of tasks with contacts that I have to guess company more
ChereeOmtvedt on November 14, 2018
It would be great if we could add the company name to the task list. Our sales team uses tasks 80-95% of the time, and we run multiple calling campaigns and, follow up on a weekly basis, sometimes with multiple contacts from the same company. read more
47 Replies
October 13, 2022
Any update on this? I can't be the only user that is increasingly frustrated by having a list of tasks with contacts that I have to guess company more
carmen on September 24, 2018
Hi, I enrolled many contacts in a sequence. the sequence includes emails and tasks. however, the task to call contact is to be executed by another hubspot user. how can i assign that to them automatically?
35 Replies
August 05, 2022
I completely agree! I hope this is something the HubSpot dev team can consider... It's been a long time since this was first mentioned. I know you more
ShaunDay on August 03, 2022
When sending a meeting scheduling invite through HubSpot or Outlook using the Sales extension- the "Internal name" identifier is the same as the customer facing name of the link (how the link appears in the email to customer). I'd like a way to cha read more
0 Reply
rob7 on April 29, 2022
If I have a meeeting with 3 different durations, it would be nice to modify the calendar link so that different durations could be selected by default. For example, if we could append to the url something like ?duration=45. I realize the user co read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
August 03, 2022
Hey Rob, I'd have to test in different circumstances, but I'm pretty sure you can do this yourself by removing the first option (15 minutes) more
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