
Miembro desde ‎jul 30, 2022
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Andrew Darlington

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ADarlington en Octubre 13, 2023
I have seen a bunch of posts and questions but no posted answers. Surely HS has a way to speed that up without going too deep on the backend for people that are novices. Can we simiply add a delay script under the header or footing in the Setti Leer más
Agosto 18, 2022
It is actually a look up field in SF so any contact in my database can be in there. The field is not showing up in HS as a field I can use for mappi...Leer más
ADarlington en Agosto 17, 2022
I have a field in Salesforce that is a lookup field for contacts in SF called Referral Source. 1- I need to be able to reference that field in HS and would like to have the same functionality as a lookup field in HS so that it can sync both ways. Leer más
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ADarlington en Agosto 17, 2022
I have created a new field in Salesforce on the contact record that is a picklist that will be changed based on a Salesforce Flow. I created the new field 3 days ago and the field is not sycing with Hubspot. When I first started my sync with SF, i Leer más
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