
Member since ‎Jul 26, 2022
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Hazel Johnson

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HazelJohnson on July 24, 2024
The invoices module in HubSpot has been live for almost a year now. I'm working with several HubSpot clients that have a requirement to use the invoices function either natively in HubSpot or via an integration with Xero, NetSuite or QuickBooks. read more
HazelJohnson on December 06, 2023
Im trying to automatically set emails landing in the conversation inbox to associate with both the contact and the last associated ticket to that contact (or all tickets associated with that contact) Tickets are not read more
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HazelJohnson on August 17, 2023
Hi All! I'm looking for some examples of account management/customer service and success reports and dashboards to share. Trying to give a visual idea of the power of HubSpot's reporting tool from an account management perspective. Can anyone read more
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2 Replies
August 22, 2023
Hi Pam, many thanks for coming back to me! Ive been through the knowledge base articles and these are helpful for building reports, however im just more
HazelJohnson on August 17, 2023
Hi All! I'm looking for some examples of account management/customer service and success reports and dashboards to share. Trying to give a visual idea of the power of HubSpot's reporting tool from an account management perspective. Can anyone read more
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2 Replies
August 22, 2023
Hi Pam, many thanks for coming back to me! Ive been through the knowledge base articles and these are helpful for building reports, however im just more
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