
Member since ‎Jul 21, 2022
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Grant McInnes

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Louisegbennett7 on February 17, 2023
Hi I am setting up a simple workflow to send a series of emails in the lead-up to an event. I have set this up to be centred on a specific date. I have added a delay step to send emails on specific dates, for example 21st Feb, 2nd March, 15th Marc read more
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4 Replies
August 02, 2023
Can I get clarification on what a date-centered workflow is? Is it the specific date choice in the below screenshot?
grantmcinnes on May 11, 2023
I have a large workflow, with more than 200 actions, and I am unable to clone this workflow to make two smaller workflows. Here is the support ticket response: "the reason for this workflow to fail to be cloned is that it is too big, hence the sy read more
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CAlfrey on October 11, 2021
HubSpot Team, My team and I believe it would be incredibly useful if we could have the ability to copy data outputs from custom code for use in if/then conditionals in workflows. With an update like this, we could create workflows that are far m read more
11 Replies
March 21, 2023
Has there been any progress on this request? Workflows are very powerful but can definitely be better.
BPeters2 on February 23, 2023
Submitting on behalf of customer: Company exclusion list needs to have wildcard feature. We have hundreds of contacs that use a third party service for their websites. The website url ends with but each url is unique and not asso read more
1 Reply
February 23, 2023
This is a huge problem for us. Hubspot is creating hundreds of companies because the website for any given contact uses a sub more
grantmcinnes on November 18, 2022
G'day Hubspot Team! Thanks for the new CRM Dev Tools, specifically the CRM Cards. Are there any plans to allow the published cards that display in the Custom tab to be collapsible? I have 4 custom cards that are displaying alot of data and it would read more
December 09, 2022
Another feature request, will it be possible to set permissions on custom cards? e.g. Only Sales roles get to see a custom CRM card that has been more
grantmcinnes on November 18, 2022
G'day Hubspot Team! Thanks for the new CRM Dev Tools, specifically the CRM Cards. Are there any plans to allow the published cards that display in the Custom tab to be collapsible? I have 4 custom cards that are displaying alot of data and it would read more
December 09, 2022
Another feature request, will it be possible to set permissions on custom cards? e.g. Only Sales roles get to see a custom CRM card that has been more
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