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Blake Thompson

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lhaith on Oktober 24, 2018
There seems to be a unnecessary disconnect between the fields 'Attachments' and 'file upload'. Attachments are for email enquiries and file uploads are for support forms. Handling these fields in the ticket environment is not user friendly. M Beitrag ansehen
37 Antworten
Mai 31, 2023
Have there been any updates to this? We use tickets for field issues with customers. Part of that form requirement is to attached images/documents o...Beitrag ansehen
BThompson1 on Mai 16, 2023
Came across a scenario where we "reply all" in an email and we are only able to view one profile in the HubSpot extension for outlook. Couldn't find anywhere that shows its possible to pick and choose which profile you want to view, so you're stuck Beitrag ansehen
BThompson1 on Februar 07, 2023
We had a thought, and couldn't find it within the HubSpot platform so posing it here. We have a horsepower calculator created on excel that allows me to punch in numbers to figure out Horsepower required for an application. Is there a way in Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
BThompson1 on September 08, 2022
Hello, Was wondering if there was a way to create a contact property that is specific to a domain when entering in a new contact? Example: XYZ company has multiple branches but the same domain. Is there a way to create a property dropdown s Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
BThompson1 on August 19, 2022
We've created a landing page for our customers to go to, or that we can send, when the customer has a service issue. On that landing page is a marketing form, when that form is completed with information provided by/from the customer we get n Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 19, 2022
@jolle My hope was to take the form submission and move it to a folder for the category it would fall under. For example if a customer was to su...Beitrag ansehen
BThompson1 on August 19, 2022
We've created a landing page for our customers to go to, or that we can send, when the customer has a service issue. On that landing page is a marketing form, when that form is completed with information provided by/from the customer we get n Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 19, 2022
@jolle My hope was to take the form submission and move it to a folder for the category it would fall under. For example if a customer was to su...Beitrag ansehen
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