
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2022
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Josh Brougham

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PZimathies on October 23, 2023
Hello, Is it possible to add a dealy on the same day of a date property hours before a date / time? Reason: people book appointments with us at a certain date and time. We want to send them an email 2 hours before the appointment takes plac read more
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14 Replies
December 20, 2023
Hey Tom, thanks for providing this solution. We're almost there but are facing a small issue. We have the -2hr datetime property setup and it's more
KimM on March 01, 2022
Hey all, I'm trying to use programmable emails to look up a commission rate associated with a supplier from a HubDB table. Essentially we have a property on the contact that references the supplier, and I want to match that to the supplier on th read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
February 09, 2023
Looks great Scott, well done getting it live. Unfortunately price just looks a little high for us and what it offers at this point. Hope it goes more
KimM on March 01, 2022
Hey all, I'm trying to use programmable emails to look up a commission rate associated with a supplier from a HubDB table. Essentially we have a property on the contact that references the supplier, and I want to match that to the supplier on th read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
February 09, 2023
Looks great Scott, well done getting it live. Unfortunately price just looks a little high for us and what it offers at this point. Hope it goes more
KimM on March 01, 2022
Hey all, I'm trying to use programmable emails to look up a commission rate associated with a supplier from a HubDB table. Essentially we have a property on the contact that references the supplier, and I want to match that to the supplier on th read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
February 09, 2023
Looks great Scott, well done getting it live. Unfortunately price just looks a little high for us and what it offers at this point. Hope it goes more
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