
Member since ‎Jul 4, 2022
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Caitlyn Douglas

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kkoltun on June 08, 2022
It would be very helpful to be able to filter by unsubscribe / opt out source (workflow, opt out import, portal user, or if the contact did it themselves through manage preferences on an email). This would help for determining between operational an read more
August 09, 2024
Problem here too, we have a field on a lead capture form that captures a contacts opt in at the front end which we then automatically push to a more
SKalbhor on September 27, 2022
We saw the report named Quota Attainment on Sales Analytics. However, the report is not customizeable. Also, the tabular report which we see for this report is unavailable when we add it to any of our dashboard. The tabular report is what we wan read more
2 Replies
February 21, 2024
The rigidity of the sales analytics reports as a whole is a seriously fatal flaw, especially on quota attainment and forecasting - this entire more
Monjogard on February 02, 2021
Would be very useful with some smartness to questions in Playbooks (similar to dependent fields in HubSpot forms), e.g. ff answer is X on question 1, show question 1B, otherwise move on to question 2. A Playbook can become quite tedious for a read more
60 Replies
November 26, 2023
Yes please, this would be very beneficial. I am currently building a customer save / lose playbook for the Account Managers, if they've managed to more
CDouglas4 on November 06, 2023
It's happened so. Many. Times! I go looking for a 'small' piece of data that's easiest to find by using a deals view filter set. In that 'small' piece of data, I see an issue that means I need to look at 3 other pieces of info. I just want to pull read more
CDouglas4 on September 01, 2022
It would be really handy if we could increase workflow trigger and action items based off of quotes. We provide our quotes to our opportunities directly ahead of providing them a contract for pricing clarity (and openess, increasing trust, etc) bu read more
2 Replies
October 26, 2023
Hey @CDurand7 I couldn't find a way with the quotes themselves, we ended up using a custom property checkbox field and asking our sales team just more
AliAnsari on September 03, 2022
Hello, It would be nice to have conditional properties based on other field values. for example, I have created a dropdown for closed lost reason property and have the below options: reason 1 reason 2 reason 3 Other I want to have an read more
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1 Reply
November 08, 2022
Hey Ali - a similar thread was started a while ago here. It may be worth upvoting / adding your thoughts. Regardless, I completely agree with more
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