
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2022
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BStefl4 on April 25, 2023
When a contact that is enrolled in a sequence bounces, Hubspot unenrolls that contact from the sequence. Currently, it is not possible to access any of the emails that I had spent time writing for that contact, which means that I need to re-customiz read more
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vladcalus on September 23, 2020
Hey guys, I'm looking for an advice on how to make it happen. So here's what I want to achieve. I'm looking to create a sequence of emails that goes with threaded emails enabled: Day 1 - First email 3 days - second email 4 days - third emai read more
8 Replies
April 25, 2023
This does not solve the issue. What people are asking for is the ability to thread the first few email steps in a sequence and then send the next more
KiwiJen83 on March 16, 2017
I know out-of-office messages shouldn't unenroll someone from a sales sequence, but sometimes it happens anyway. In that case, it would be nice to be able to "re-enroll" the contact in the sequence at the same point where they left off.
11 Replies
April 18, 2023
Wow, I can't believe it isn't possible to re-enroll contacts in the same place where they left off in a sequence without having to re-write all of more
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
79 Replies
August 04, 2022
This one would be a game changer for us. My team bounces back and forth between emailing in hubspot and outlook. Bbringing email recall into hubspot more
JVeirs on June 24, 2020
It would be very convenient to be able to log activities under a contact which you have a task scheduled for without having to complete the task at the same time. This would allow ease of updating / moving tasks without having to create a new task read more
87 Replies
July 26, 2022
Upvoting this. My team needs to be able to create Notes, Log Calls, Send Emails, etc within a contact record that has an associated task WITHOUT more
BStefl4 on July 21, 2022
Currently, the Activity Feed in hubspot only allows for filtering contact activity by activity type or the sequence enrolment. The Activity Feed would be tremendously valuable to our sales team if they could filter contact activity by Contact read more
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