
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2022
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Bernhard Hörmann

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AJLaPorte_diagr on January 29, 2019
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the edit read more
91 Replies
May 15, 2024
absolute necessity
mozjiqok on May 24, 2018
It would be very useful to be able to upload a contact avatar via api
18 Replies
May 07, 2024
very much needed
BHörmann on December 07, 2023
Is there a way to use Info stored in Costum Objects in Sequences other then to copy it in a contact, company or deal? (Wouldn't work in most cases since most assisiations would be 1 to many) Really like the idea of placeholders, however I found read more
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2 Replies
Vsnelgrove on February 13, 2020
My company owns 8 event venues within about 40 minutes of each other. Each locaiton has its own Sales Manager who uses HubSpot sequences. We use sequences for when brides inquire about our locations and it is very common we have the same bride ask f read more
53 Replies
December 07, 2023
still an absolute necessity
BHörmann on December 05, 2023
Two issues in the Outlook web version Issue 1: When composing a new Mail I can no longer choose if I want the conversation to be looged in Hubspot. Not even if I reply to a existing conversation. Since the plugin icon is not visible. I have to sen read more
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2 Replies
December 06, 2023
Hey PamCotton The link you shared is for the destop version of Outlook. However, I do not have any other exentsions. We dont use alias mails more
BHörmann on November 29, 2023
Object A and B are associated. A is Mother and B is Child. When Property X of A is updated Property X in B will also be Updated This can be easly done by using the "onchange" trigger on Object A and copy value. However when I create object B read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
December 05, 2023
This only works on standard objects. Assosations to Costum Objects do not have those numbers calculated, hence this workaround doesnt work here. more
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