
Member since ‎Jun 29, 2022
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Nisanta Sahoo

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ScottH on June 12, 2017
Should be able to make a 'Company Lifecycle Funnel' widget with conversion rates between each Lifecycle stage (see 'Contact Lifecycle Funnel' widget for example).
June 29, 2023
Looks like it is taking forever to get this done!
Mindspan on January 29, 2021
I would have thought this was basic functionality within HubSpot; however, this doesn't seem to be the case according to support. All I want to do is create an active list of contacts assocaited with an active list of companies. E.g. I have a l read more
36 Replies
February 21, 2023
I am surprised why isn't it has been taken care of yet. This is a pretty basic feature that should have been by default.
NisantaSahoo on January 05, 2023
Hello, This is pretty frustrating! I was trying to create a list of companies to whom we haven't reached yet, but there is no way we could do that. I am not sure if HS does a proper analysis of things that we need in CRM.
0 upvote
10 Replies
January 09, 2023
So in sort, there isn't a direct way to this right 🙂
NisantaSahoo on January 05, 2023
Hello, This is pretty frustrating! I was trying to create a list of companies to whom we haven't reached yet, but there is no way we could do that. I am not sure if HS does a proper analysis of things that we need in CRM.
0 upvote
10 Replies
January 09, 2023
So in sort, there isn't a direct way to this right 🙂
NisantaSahoo on January 05, 2023
Hello, This is pretty frustrating! I was trying to create a list of companies to whom we haven't reached yet, but there is no way we could do that. I am not sure if HS does a proper analysis of things that we need in CRM.
0 upvote
10 Replies
January 09, 2023
So in sort, there isn't a direct way to this right 🙂
NisantaSahoo on January 05, 2023
Hello, This is pretty frustrating! I was trying to create a list of companies to whom we haven't reached yet, but there is no way we could do that. I am not sure if HS does a proper analysis of things that we need in CRM.
0 upvote
10 Replies
January 09, 2023
So in sort, there isn't a direct way to this right 🙂
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