
Member since ‎Jun 28, 2022
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Amber Kitay

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AKitay on November 15, 2022
I would love to be able to tag users in Slack messages that are triggered through Workflows. This would make the Slack notifications more useful as many people have customized Slack notifications to only be notified when they are tagged in a post.
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AKitay on November 10, 2022
When in a board view I would love to be able to drag and drop cards into stages that are further right or left on the page. The drag and drop feature is loved by our team but they run into issues when they can't drag the card into the correct st read more
1 Reply
AKitay on November 10, 2022
There is no way to see which sales email template was used for emails that have already been sent. I would love to know which sales email template was used!
CGoodwinOlsen on February 09, 2022
We are working with a custom object ("Projects") for our post-sales Delivery and onboarding process. Playbooks are available on all standard objects (Companies, Contacts, Deals, Tickets), but not Custom Objects. This would be such a game changer f read more
25 Replies
August 15, 2022
This is exactly the feature I am looking for! We have Applications (a custom object) that are associated to Contacts. Contacts can have multiple more
GEiselt on December 14, 2021
Just like in the Deal object, it'd be great if we could have the option to prompt users to check or fill in specific properties when they move a record to a specified pipeline stage in custom object pipelines.
22 Replies
July 25, 2022
Would love to see this update soon!
AKitay on July 06, 2022
Hi all, I'm looking to have a promoted question asking why the client wishes to unenroll from our emails, I believe that Marketing Emails has this option but I don't see it for Sales Emails. Does anyone know if this is possible?
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