
Member since ‎Jun 27, 2022
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Vuk Zivkovic

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VZivkovic on August 01, 2022
Hello there. In our current lead generation process, we send out marketing emails from a dedicated company mail and the next step of the process is for me to engage the people that showed interest manually. The problem is, that the customer expe read more
VZivkovic on July 04, 2022
As shown in the photo, I want to filter activities/meetings by the "Discovery Call" type, but as most of the people in the team log these activities as a meeting rather than a call, I'm unable to find the table that shows all the past meetings read more
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2 Replies
July 05, 2022
That's exactly what I was looking for!
VZivkovic on July 04, 2022
As shown in the photo, I want to filter activities/meetings by the "Discovery Call" type, but as most of the people in the team log these activities as a meeting rather than a call, I'm unable to find the table that shows all the past meetings read more
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2 Replies
July 05, 2022
That's exactly what I was looking for!
VZivkovic on June 27, 2022
I'm trying to replicate this post => Where an email would be sent to the contact 2 weeks before his contact would expire but I don't know how to set u read more
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2 Replies
June 27, 2022
I found the solution: The workflow should've been deal-based
VZivkovic on June 27, 2022
I'm trying to replicate this post => Where an email would be sent to the contact 2 weeks before his contact would expire but I don't know how to set u read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
June 27, 2022
I found the solution: The workflow should've been deal-based
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