
Member since ‎Jun 24, 2022
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Brittany Melville

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BMelville on October 11, 2024
We are a non-profit org. and have received an internal request to begin sending monthly emails to contacts in our partner network (they do pay to be part of this network). The email message asks something along the lines of " As our partners, read more
BMelville on August 28, 2024
Has anyone successfully managed to use HubSpot as an email tool to send widespread internal communications to staff? If so, can you share best practices and how you were able to distinguish internal stats (opens, clicks) from external marketing emai read more
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3 Replies
August 28, 2024
Thank you, this is very helpful and along the lines of what I was thinking. Are there other tools you would recommend for internal email more
BMelville on August 28, 2024
Has anyone successfully managed to use HubSpot as an email tool to send widespread internal communications to staff? If so, can you share best practices and how you were able to distinguish internal stats (opens, clicks) from external marketing emai read more
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3 Replies
August 28, 2024
Thank you, this is very helpful and along the lines of what I was thinking. Are there other tools you would recommend for internal email more
BMelville on August 23, 2024
I'm coming to you for email marketing guidance and best practices. Please share your thoughts on the following considering all the information I've shared about our transition below: Subscription Setup: Best practices for setting up a new sub read more
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BMelville on April 18, 2024
My organization has recently gone through a merger with another company that uses a separate system and structure for bringing in news subscribers or users who on opt-in. At the moment, to access content in our web domain, users must register for read more
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Vjanovitz on November 29, 2023
Thank you, HubSpot, for adding the functionality to convert a given active list to static. It's very helpful! But can you also add the ability to bulk edit and convert active lists to static ones? So we don't have to go in and do it individually read more
1 Reply
April 16, 2024
I completely agree - it would be very helpful with list cleanup efforts to do this in bulk.
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