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Jillian Hoenig

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jillii on September 21, 2023
Hello, I am trying to translate the following into hubl, so I can use it in a custom module. What this code does is it gets the current user's ID to extract data about them. Ultimately I am trying to figure out what Lists the current user is on. Beitrag ansehen
Januar 23, 2024
Aha, that makes sense. Could you please provide an example of that workflow?
jillii on September 21, 2023
Hello, I am trying to translate the following into hubl, so I can use it in a custom module. What this code does is it gets the current user's ID to extract data about them. Ultimately I am trying to figure out what Lists the current user is on. Beitrag ansehen
Januar 23, 2024
Aha, that makes sense. Could you please provide an example of that workflow?
jillii on September 21, 2023
Hello, I am trying to translate the following into hubl, so I can use it in a custom module. What this code does is it gets the current user's ID to extract data about them. Ultimately I am trying to figure out what Lists the current user is on. Beitrag ansehen
Januar 23, 2024
Aha, that makes sense. Could you please provide an example of that workflow?
jillii on September 19, 2023
Is there a way to get the currently logged in user, from within a custom module? Hubspot has default variables that return information about the current page, for example {{ content }} would return the content of the current post/page. Is there some Beitrag ansehen
September 20, 2023
I saw that too, and it definitely looked promising. It's returning empty (shown below), even though I'm looking in my cookies and seeing that hubspot...Beitrag ansehen
jillii on September 19, 2023
Is there a way to get the currently logged in user, from within a custom module? Hubspot has default variables that return information about the current page, for example {{ content }} would return the content of the current post/page. Is there some Beitrag ansehen
September 20, 2023
I saw that too, and it definitely looked promising. It's returning empty (shown below), even though I'm looking in my cookies and seeing that hubspot...Beitrag ansehen
KWockenfoth on März 10, 2023
Dear Community, There seems to be a problem with Firefox when its Privacy & Security Settings are set to "strict". In this case, no CTA button is displayed on the website. Instead, only the text that should appear on the button appears as a Beitrag ansehen
August 31, 2023
It would be great if hubspot experts could provide a solution here. It would save time for everyone who runs into this issue in the future, and will ...Beitrag ansehen
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