
Member since ‎Jun 22, 2022
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Vlad Rakitski

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VRakitski on December 28, 2023
Is there any possibility to receive SMS in Hubspot through a connected Twilio account (without using third-party paid services)? Thank you,
VRakitski on September 15, 2023
Hi there I want to create a custom report that would show in a table all the contacts who submitted a specific form for a given period of time (For example, the last week) and date of the submission. But unfortunately I wasn't able to find out with read more
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2 Replies
September 18, 2023
Yes, quite. Thanks
VRakitski on September 15, 2023
Hi there I want to create a custom report that would show in a table all the contacts who submitted a specific form for a given period of time (For example, the last week) and date of the submission. But unfortunately I wasn't able to find out with read more
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2 Replies
September 18, 2023
Yes, quite. Thanks
VRakitski on August 04, 2023
Hello Is there any way to associate one specific company with a whole list of contacts? Thank you,
VRakitski on August 04, 2023
Hi There, I want to create an workflow where one text property of the contact is compared to another property of the same contact, and if they are not equal, a certain sequence of actions is performed. (like if/then branch). Is it possible to someho read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
VRakitski on July 10, 2023
Hello, Is it possible to customize such a report? - Line graph/Bar graph. - Y- axis: number of deals per stage , X- axis: time - Lines color coded for each pipeline stage. Thank You
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3 Replies
July 10, 2023
I have no 'Sales analytics' option. Is it because I need another subscription?
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