
Contributor | Partner
Member since ‎Feb 15, 2017
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Christopher Bourque

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CWBourque on June 26, 2024
The Social Analyze Report page has defaults that we can't customize. One of these is in the audience report. The Facebook audience is listed as likes instead of followers . The information bubble explains that likes were used in this audience read more
SkeeStylus on November 05, 2020
Please expand the number of competitor streams we can monitor simultaneously. 😁 We've been using the Competitor Streams for a while now and finding them incredible valuable in gaining intelligence on our competitors through their publishin read more
7 Replies
Contributor | Partner
January 22, 2024
More than three competitors would be very helpful. Could someone at HubSpot chime in and let us know if this is on the dev roadmap, isn't ever going more
CWBourque on February 01, 2019
I can center the Thank You Message from the Form > Options tab, but I don't have other style controls for that message like I do in the Style & Preview tab where I can set the font family, color, and font size for the form labels and buttons. read more
Contributor | Partner
November 09, 2020
@DamonK I haven't done more elaborate CSS like Michael did, but I'd think getting rid of the white borders might just require a bit more CSS. more
shaimoom on February 14, 2017
In the Form Options , there is a section where we can add email addresses who get " Notified when submitted". There is an automated email that gets sent that currently cannot be customized. Can we get access to customize this email?
89 Replies
Contributor | Partner
July 30, 2020
@papag We've used workflows and our own custom emails as a workaround for this. Since this is possible, to achieve another way it likely isn't more
shaimoom on February 14, 2017
In the Form Options , there is a section where we can add email addresses who get " Notified when submitted". There is an automated email that gets sent that currently cannot be customized. Can we get access to customize this email?
89 Replies
Contributor | Partner
July 30, 2020
@papag We've used workflows and our own custom emails as a workaround for this. Since this is possible, to achieve another way it likely isn't more
shaimoom on February 14, 2017
In the Form Options , there is a section where we can add email addresses who get " Notified when submitted". There is an automated email that gets sent that currently cannot be customized. Can we get access to customize this email?
89 Replies
Contributor | Partner
July 30, 2020
@papag We've used workflows and our own custom emails as a workaround for this. Since this is possible, to achieve another way it likely isn't more
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