
Member since ‎Jun 15, 2022
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Thomas Delafosse

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TDelafosse on March 20, 2023
Hi, We collect campaign names through either: - Campaign UTMs (1) - single line text - First touch converting campaign (2) - automated Hubspot campaign property Similar to explained on this page , both properties are not always in line with read more
March 21, 2023
That's what I thought as well... We have 100s of campaigns, so I'll have to manually match them. Thanks Karsten.
TDelafosse on March 20, 2023
Hi, We collect campaign names through either: - Campaign UTMs (1) - single line text - First touch converting campaign (2) - automated Hubspot campaign property Similar to explained on this page , both properties are not always in line with read more
March 21, 2023
That's what I thought as well... We have 100s of campaigns, so I'll have to manually match them. Thanks Karsten.
TDelafosse on March 20, 2023
Hi, We collect campaign names through either: - Campaign UTMs (1) - single line text - First touch converting campaign (2) - automated Hubspot campaign property Similar to explained on this page , both properties are not always in line with read more
March 21, 2023
That's what I thought as well... We have 100s of campaigns, so I'll have to manually match them. Thanks Karsten.
TDelafosse on October 10, 2022
Hi, We currently have a two way sync for leads in Hubspot and Salesforce. While Hubspot deduplicates based on email alone, our SF instance has multiple different rules, such as first name + last name + phone number. As a result, Salesforce flags read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 11, 2022
Thanks Phil!
MHandrow on October 10, 2022
We are having an issue where we'll assign one salesperson a contact and then a few mins later it'll change the owner to a different salesperson, even though no one on our team made the change. This only happens once in a while. What could be the cau read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
October 10, 2022
Can you navigate to the contact > all properties > contact owner and click on details? This should tell you the user / tool / workflow that more
TDelafosse on October 10, 2022
Hi, We currently have a two way sync for leads in Hubspot and Salesforce. While Hubspot deduplicates based on email alone, our SF instance has multiple different rules, such as first name + last name + phone number. As a result, Salesforce flags read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 11, 2022
Thanks Phil!
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