
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
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Clarinda Cheon

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ClarindaBoom on Mai 15, 2024
Hi there, I'm working on a report to look at total number of sales activity split by activity assigned to a sales rep. This is a bar chart > count of activities split by assigned to user, broken down by activity type What we're finding is t Beitrag ansehen
cwick1221 on November 15, 2023
I really want to use the prospecting hub as the core spot for all of my sales reps to work. However, I face a few issues: While we work contacts as Leads, we assign accounts (eg. Companies) to them. However if I assign Companies to a sales rep, th Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
März 14, 2024
This is a limitation we are facing as well, upvoted!
JPogorzelski on Februar 19, 2024
Hi all, We're attempting to import an external Excel sheet into Hubspot to update some contacts. Our source file has 100 rows of data, which Hubspot detects. However, when the import is completed, only 89 records are updated Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Februar 19, 2024
Hi @JPogorzelski , along with what Karsten has kindly shared, when you did the import, did you select "update contacts only", or "create and upd...Beitrag ansehen
THoang on Februar 15, 2024
Does anyone know what hubspot is checking? Are they seeing if the domain is valid? Unless I add a .com to my email it will give me the "plese enter a valid email address" in red below the field.
2 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Februar 15, 2024
Seems to be an issue for unusual email addresses - here's a thread discussing it: ansehen
CateDuarte on Februar 09, 2024
I have increasing number of customers asking me for contact Follow-Up flows. Sequences would be a perfect fit. Issue is that they use a shared inbox to follow-up on enquiries. Anybody has a workaround for this? Thank you!
5 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Februar 09, 2024
ah I'm afraid that's going to be tricky then - looks like quite a few people are requesting this as a possibility here: ansehen
CateDuarte on Februar 09, 2024
I have increasing number of customers asking me for contact Follow-Up flows. Sequences would be a perfect fit. Issue is that they use a shared inbox to follow-up on enquiries. Anybody has a workaround for this? Thank you!
5 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Elite Partner
Februar 09, 2024
ah I'm afraid that's going to be tricky then - looks like quite a few people are requesting this as a possibility here: ansehen
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