
Member since ‎Jun 14, 2022
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Braden Mounteer

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grayson on February 27, 2017
Hi HubSpot Development Team, I recommend revisiting the idea to customize log activity in HubSpot Sales. I would like my team to track "Direct Mail," and I've seen others asking about logging texts and in-app messaging. Thanks for cons read more
253 Replies
August 17, 2022
Please update activity logging. I'd like to log activities such as SMS messages, Enrollments and completions in our LMS, and direct mail efforts
BMounteer on August 11, 2022
Hi there! I want to report on all revenue that is associated with a single company. We have a business where a single company account could be associated with hundreds of deals. Please add a filter where you can get an attribution report on a read more
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KevinFMTV on June 28, 2019
USE CASE: We use a custom property to identity when a contact is known to be a dead lead. However, many of these contacts have pending tasks associated which are no longer applicable once a contact is dead. PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITY: Add a feature to w read more
150 Replies
June 16, 2022
This would be fantastic. Same use case here. There needs to be a way to clean out tasks based on dead leads or lost deals.
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