
Mitglied seit ‎Jun 10, 2022
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Aoife Jacob

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AJacob on Januar 30, 2023
I am trying to create a goal in a workflow based on a call booked. Those entering the workflow have potentially already had a call but the workflow goal is to re-nurture them to a stage where they book another one. My understanding that is using Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 26, 2022
Hi Chris - I appreciate you taking the time. Unfortunately, Calendly doesn't stamp the date of last meetings booked in meetings tool field. I'll reac...Beitrag ansehen
AJacob on Oktober 26, 2022
Hi all. I am trying to create a workflow to create a task for a team member the day before a meeting happens. We are using Calendly and have set up the Calendly integration so this information is being tracked on the contact and deal activity. Beitrag ansehen
AJacob on August 31, 2022
I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around for this. I currently have the potential for a contact and company to create deals in different pipelines. (ie Sign Up Pipeline, Purchasing Pipeline). I also have workflows to automate the move Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
AJacob on Juni 10, 2022
Just wondering if anyone has been able to utilize the information collected in the pre-screen routing form and send it through to Hubspot. I am working with a form where the pre-screen routing form helps to segment leads to different CSM's based on Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
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