
Member since ‎Jun 8, 2022
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Francesco Galatioto

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galatioto on October 05, 2022
Hi I currently developed a calling provider app based on your SDK. I would like to start the call at the moment that widget shown (to don't use the click on my button inside the app and to have an easyer user experience...). I know that I can't acc read more
August 17, 2022
I solved it by myself. For other people : you have to to prepare the solution for production scenario using the npm command: npm run build. So you more
galatioto on August 10, 2022
Hi all I have developed a Click2Call integration based on your CallProvider SDK. It work well into my devEnv (using npm as you suggested) so I'm ready to move into production server. I've already made the App into devAccunt, installed into TestAccou read more
June 16, 2022
Hi Tominal Thanks for your answer. Yes, this is my scenario; I would like to make an HubSpot app that uses an external service protected only by API more
galatioto on June 15, 2022
Hi In an OAuth HubSpot app can I consume API from other service that haven't OAuth validation method but, for example, APIkey one? Let me explain: I know that the HubSpot integrations MUST have OAuth method, sound good, but, inside of this , can read more
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