
Mitglied seit ‎Mai 27, 2022
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Abbey Piazza

As Community Marketing Specialist Abbey nurtures and engages New/Modes’s dynamic community through organizing top trainings in the digital organizing field and facilitating mutually beneficial partnerships. She has experience with directly coaching New/Mode subscribers on digital advocacy best practices. Prior to joining New/Mode, Abbey worked as a Provincial Organizer for Dogwood BC where she played an integral role in engaging and mobilizing volunteers. Previously, Abbey designed and implemented strategy for two successful election campaigns and fundraised for the Wilderness Committee, one of Canada’s largest environmental charities.


Juni 23, 2022
Thanks kate! I look forward to connecting with the community and talking campaigning!
Juni 23, 2022
Thank you Dan, I appreciate it!
abbeypiazza on Juni 03, 2022
Hi everyone! New/Mode is new here, thanks for having us. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing about the great work that is happening here. New/Mode recently partnered with HubSpot. New/Mode is a digital advocacy platform that Beitrag ansehen
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