
Member since ‎May 26, 2022
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Jon Barratt

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ELaird on February 25, 2021
I need help. It seems that my form "ThankYou" message and Landing page "ThankYou" message are not in sync . And my follow up email is not sending. I created a form on Hubspot and then created a landing page (still on Hubsp read more
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9 Replies
July 07, 2022
Just posting to help others that face this issue with the thank you message changes (done in Forms) not updating in your Landing Pages. Basically more
ELaird on February 25, 2021
I need help. It seems that my form "ThankYou" message and Landing page "ThankYou" message are not in sync . And my follow up email is not sending. I created a form on Hubspot and then created a landing page (still on Hubsp read more
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9 Replies
July 07, 2022
Just posting to help others that face this issue with the thank you message changes (done in Forms) not updating in your Landing Pages. Basically more
JBeadling on April 09, 2021
It's great that we can see the errors in a workflow, but it would be even better if we could clear them from the New Workflow Error Tab. For example, I have an error messages based on a contact unsubscribing, so obviously, the email could not be read more
37 Replies
June 16, 2022
Yes, we're experiencing the same. We've got some errors from some live campaign testing, which my MD keeps flagging in meetings, but we can't clear more
JBarratt on May 26, 2022
It would be great if there was an option to quickly and easily add contacts to static lists from the list screen. Possibly best as an option in the Actions menu.
JBarratt on May 26, 2022
It would be great if there was a quick link or button to delete previous data uploads and all the associated new records in the system. This could be easily provided on the Import page and would allow users to quickly remove records that were uploa read more
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