
Member since ‎May 24, 2022
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Maureen Swiertz

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MHuebsch on July 19, 2017
I would recommend having a built-in search and replace function. So you can search through all your blog posts and replace a certain word or phrase. For example, we renamed our company and now I have to go through all our blog posts, find every inst read more
36 Replies
March 21, 2024
Another YES to this feature. When I built websites in Dreamweaver this was super helpful and have a project I'm on now where I need it. Instead I more
hadigital_kolby on October 18, 2021
1. This is for anyone using the CMS platform. 2. Our goal is to bulk delete all images in HubSpot that are not being used on CMS pages. 3. The value of this is time-saving. My client is a custom home builder. They have hundreds of images and m read more
30 Replies
December 08, 2023
Yes to this option.
mswiertz on October 11, 2022
We're about to hit our max number of files allowed (5000) and are adding quite a few more LPs and emails so we're going to need to double or triple that amount. Ideally, an "unlimited" option subscription would be ideal!!
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ClaraS on September 18, 2020
Would be great to be able to hide variations that does not have any content in them. For example, when contacts in one list should only see 3 content modules, and contacts in another list should see 5 content modules in a newsletter. Today it's pos read more
30 Replies
May 24, 2022
Would like to hide/show content based on persona/media.
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