
Miembro desde ‎may 12, 2022
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Septiembre 09, 2024
Thanks Kennedy 🙌 That definitely does help. And, yep, we are using the additional scopes to give our users more features and better integration wi...Leer más
AWhyBravo en Septiembre 02, 2024
Hey everyone, I have an app that is listed in the Marketplace. It has been verified by Hubspot and everything is fine. However, I need to add a new scope (sales-email-read to be specific). Would I lose my validation for Hubspot and need to r Leer más
Septiembre 02, 2024
The "Developer Identity" doc gives a 404. Can someone provide a new one?
AWhyBravo en Julio 11, 2024
Hey there, I see that this has been broken in the API since at least 2022*. Do we know when we can get the actual array of options for the hs_call_disposition? eg: re Leer más
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AWhyBravo en Junio 19, 2024
Hi there, Since there is no Webhook for the Engagements, I need to set up polling to find any new Calls. For this, I am connecting to the GET /crm/v3/objects/calls endpoint. I feel that this is really poorly done, but I am hoping tha Leer más
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Febrero 29, 2024
Thanks for your help @zach_threadint . I think the issue is that we had a lot of connections previous to this switch and now some of the older cli...Leer más
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