
Member since ‎May 11, 2022
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Harry Hawk

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BBVDMA on September 14, 2023
Please return a useful visual within each step of a workflow: With the new workflow UI we have lost the ability to see how many contacts are in each step. The UI in a step is "Active contacts in this action". Clicking on this link opens a l read more
1 Reply
September 14, 2023
Definately needed
HarryHawk-BKPR on May 16, 2022
It's easy to test workflows by selecting individual users. It would be helpful to be able to test entire lists and see the % of that list that would enroll or not enroll. Subsequently, open a list of those who would or wouldn't enroll. I read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
September 14, 2023
Thanks I sent in the survey
HarryHawk-BKPR on September 14, 2023
A recent update has removed the number of Contacts who are active within an Action from Workflows! I preferred the prior version of the feature "Active Contacts in this Action" that showed the total number of active contacts... I imagine that ca read more
HarryHawk-BKPR on November 08, 2022
It's great that HubSpot supports several different types of 2FA including authentication apps but most of these are phone based. Phone based systems are increasingly vulnearable to hacking (digitally, physically, and human engineering). While no s read more
April 06, 2023
Thanks @SWJSmith
HarryHawk-BKPR on March 29, 2023
Format Keeper Option | Usecase: Blogs & Email Takes block of text User Selects 1st "Keep format" User Selects 2nd "Option" like rewrite, expand, Etc. CA attemps to best comply with the transformation but maximizes retaining st read more
April 04, 2023
Thanks 🙂 Always happy to brainstorm!!
HarryHawk-BKPR on March 29, 2023
Format Keeper Option | Usecase: Blogs & Email Takes block of text User Selects 1st "Keep format" User Selects 2nd "Option" like rewrite, expand, Etc. CA attemps to best comply with the transformation but maximizes retaining st read more
April 04, 2023
Thanks 🙂 Always happy to brainstorm!!
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