
Member since ‎May 11, 2022
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Philip Schilling

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rossfruin on April 21, 2017
The Deal Stage Funnel becomes completely unvaluable once you have a deal that skips a stage. If we take a prospect from stage 1 to stage 3 because of a quicker than average sales cycle, and don't drag and drop them into stage 2 along the way, it doe read more
23 Replies
February 07, 2023
Same issue here. The conversion rates between deal stages are crucial for optimizing our sales process and we miss that information. Seeing that it more
FLIPPP on January 18, 2023
It is not good to use the internal campaign name in Hubspot as the UTM campaign parameter attached to tracking URLs when using the Tracking URL Builder: The internal campaign name might contain confidential information which shall not be visible read more
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JMaylandOlsen on April 20, 2022
Currently the Hubspot goas module does not support: 1. Using team goals in reporting & forecasting 2. Creating and using sub-goals. However, it's quite common to: A. Want to report on overall revenue goal achievement in a fiscal year B. B read more
60 Replies
January 18, 2023
100% agreed. I need this, too.
FLIPPP on January 06, 2023
Hello, I would like to build a (bar chart) report embedded in a dashboard that shows for the Contact / Company object the percentage of known vs. unknown values of different properties in a certain timeframe. Example: Object: Contact Sal read more
3 Replies
January 10, 2023
Hello Jacob, Thank you for your reply. For my case a list would be not very helpful. I am specifically interested to have an overview how complete more
FLIPPP on January 06, 2023
Hello, I would like to build a (bar chart) report embedded in a dashboard that shows for the Contact / Company object the percentage of known vs. unknown values of different properties in a certain timeframe. Example: Object: Contact Sal read more
3 Replies
January 10, 2023
Hello Jacob, Thank you for your reply. For my case a list would be not very helpful. I am specifically interested to have an overview how complete more
FLIPPP on December 06, 2022
Situation: The custom time period to retake a survey is limited to 90 days. Goal: I would like to set it up to 360 days so that it is less annoying to website visitors.
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