
Member since ‎May 9, 2022
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Linda McCormack

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FlywheelKinetic on January 19, 2019
As an Enterprise Sales customer, we should be able to set custom goals. I love that we can set goals for number of calls made, deals created or revenue but I'd also like to set goals for individual users based on Number of Deals Closed by Pipeline a read more
52 Replies
September 08, 2022
Absolutely necessary!! Not all companies forecast revenue. Our forecasting is based off a custom field. The ability to set goals against any more
LMcCormack2 on June 13, 2022
We would like the ability to select a custom (num) field on our Deals Board, instead of the Amount field. There is currently no ability to choose the field for Subtotals.
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sgagliano on January 22, 2020
It would be valuable to be able to create proprties that are lookup values of records from other entities. As an example, On "Companies" I would like to be able to lookup a "Contact" where I could have the contact be a property on the company. The read more
91 Replies
May 25, 2022
I agree with previous posts. This is a major gap in HubSpot and actually the first "show stopping" one I have encountered as a new HubSpot Super more
LMcCormack2 on May 09, 2022
There is no ability to filter a list of users that are active. Over the years, many users have been deactivated and it would be ideal to have a filter options that removes deactivated, uninvited & pending to easily monitor login activity withou read more
BHays6 on July 19, 2021
When creating custom reports it would be great to have the ability to create custom groups within the report to aggregate/group property level data. For example, to be able to create an industry report where you're able to group the 150+ industries read more
16 Replies
May 09, 2022
Being a Salesforce admin, and a new admin to HubSpot, I am surprised to not see the ability to group properties in table reports. This is a very more
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