
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Feb 9, 2017
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Ashley Quintana

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Camille_YP on August 09, 2023
Hello, Community! I'm happy to announce that our app, RaiserSync, an integration between the donor management software Raiser's Edge and HubSpot is now live on the Blackbaud Marketplace! You can access and connect it here !
Participant | Elite Partner
June 26, 2024
Hi Camille, Can you tell me if this is strictly for Raiser's Edge or if your connector functions for Blackbaud CRM?
_ashleyquintana on May 23, 2019
Hi there, It would be great if an e-mail alert could go to a HubSpot Portal's administrator in the event of a domain becoming disconnected. This would help avoid an error or website downtime in the event that something were to happen.
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
I have a range of calendars I created in Google that all work within my primary calendar account. I created these for personal, volunteering, etc., so they could be color coded in my main calendar view for quick reference. Unfortunately, these seco read more
45 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
February 09, 2017
I completely agree. We are facing the same issue!
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