
Member since ‎May 5, 2022
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Madeleine Cindrich

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MCindrich5 on October 24, 2022
For recurring meetings, Hubspot will only sync changes for single events in the series. If one event in the series changes, or attendee response changes, only the single updated event will sync to Hubspot. There is no option to adjust the subsequent read more
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GDunn on February 14, 2022
I frequently put together resources that I want to send out and make sure that our clients receive it. I also use sequences to send emails to our team internally so that I can track opens & engagement within the team. I think it would be helpf read more
61 Replies
May 05, 2022
Yes please! Is there a workaround this? We need it as soon as possible. I'm looking for a way to build an ongoing scheduled cadence of communication more
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