
Member since ‎May 5, 2022
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saravidal on October 29, 2019
It would be great to have a filter that filters contacts by global bouncing, not only if they unsubscribe from marketing emails. F.e: If a contact is not working anymore in an enterprise and its email is disabled, it would be of great help read more
34 Replies
October 11, 2022
I also learned today that your support team can tell us the date someone globally bounced. That too would be a helpful product feature... Globally more
NGosz on June 17, 2020
At this time, form submissions are only associated with the contact record. It would be helpful for sales reps to be able to view all form submissions that have happened for a company within the company record This would be especially helpfu read more
September 07, 2022
The aggregate count of contact submitted forms is already being calculated in the property of a company record. Not having key insights for more
saravidal on October 29, 2019
It would be great to have a filter that filters contacts by global bouncing, not only if they unsubscribe from marketing emails. F.e: If a contact is not working anymore in an enterprise and its email is disabled, it would be of great help read more
34 Replies
October 11, 2022
I also learned today that your support team can tell us the date someone globally bounced. That too would be a helpful product feature... Globally more
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