
Membro desde ‎abr 29, 2022
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Garrett Hunt


GHunt5 on Abril 22, 2024
Is this possible?
1 avaliações positivas
1 Respostas
GHunt5 on Março 27, 2024
Situation below: AND Hubspot both sync to the SFDC field "Opt out of all email". In Hubspot, is there a way to segment out the people who opted out through Hubspot and NOT through Outreach or SFDC? Only want people who opted Leia mais
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GHunt5 on Fevereiro 09, 2024
Hello, We have 26 target industries. We want to send an email to all 26 but need the email to contain a link that is different for each industry. Is it possible without having to build 26 different emails? Is there a way to build just 1 email Leia mais
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GHunt5 on Outubro 23, 2023
Is it possible to have Hubspot send a slack message through a workflow and have include the SF URL for the account? I tried pasting the accoun url into the slack message and replacing the SF ID with a field token but the message skipped the toke Leia mais
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Setembro 26, 2023
I just want to see what the stage was at the time it was closed lost
GHunt5 on Setembro 26, 2023
Is it possible to capture the stage a deal is in when it goes to closed lost? Use case: To see trend by rep of what stage a deal is in when it is moved to closed lost. Id rep sticking points or reps who are not using the pipeline stages correct Leia mais
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