
Member since ‎Apr 28, 2022
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David Flach

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DFlach on October 18, 2023
Hello, I'm trying to build a workflow that will set a timestamp on the contact record based on updates to deal stage. My understanding is that the workflow will not re-enroll contacts based on changes to an associated deal. Any thoughts on read more
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2 Replies
October 20, 2023
Hey Karsten, Thanks! Not sure why I didn't think of that.
DFlach on October 18, 2023
Hello, I'm trying to build a workflow that will set a timestamp on the contact record based on updates to deal stage. My understanding is that the workflow will not re-enroll contacts based on changes to an associated deal. Any thoughts on read more
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2 Replies
October 20, 2023
Hey Karsten, Thanks! Not sure why I didn't think of that.
DFlach on August 24, 2023
Hello, Has anyone been able to add a calendar to show after someone accesses gated content? My ideal state is for a user to submit the gated content form and then receive a window (from chilipiper or similar) to schedule a time to talk with read more
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3 Replies
August 28, 2023
Yea. I think that will work! That is effectively a multi-step form, right?
DFlach on August 24, 2023
Hello, Has anyone been able to add a calendar to show after someone accesses gated content? My ideal state is for a user to submit the gated content form and then receive a window (from chilipiper or similar) to schedule a time to talk with read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
August 28, 2023
Yea. I think that will work! That is effectively a multi-step form, right?
dmastin on March 02, 2023
Actionable insights are key to developing a long-term, sustainable marketing strategy. - especially in a volatile macroeconomic environment. With HubSpot’s advanced marketing reporting tools, your team can gain visibility into what’s driv read more
10 Replies
March 10, 2023
Hello! I've been trying to find a way to look at all the emails a contact has received before becoming an opp and between becoming an opp and a more
DFlach on January 30, 2023
Is there a way to report which emails I've sent to a specific company (or companies?)
1 Reply
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