
Member since ‎Apr 28, 2022
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Alejandro Echavarria

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rechavar on June 27, 2022
Hi everybody!!! Happy Summer!!!! So.. Once again its me looking for answers 😅 The thing is, I have a custome code in a workflow, this custom code inputs secrets, the access token and the refresh token for whatever API. I need to update the acce read more
6 Replies
June 30, 2022
Mmmm not what i need, look, i have the access token an the refresh token of other API. The thing is, this values are input in my custom code as more
rechavar on June 27, 2022
Hi everybody!!! Happy Summer!!!! So.. Once again its me looking for answers 😅 The thing is, I have a custome code in a workflow, this custom code inputs secrets, the access token and the refresh token for whatever API. I need to update the acce read more
6 Replies
June 30, 2022
Mmmm not what i need, look, i have the access token an the refresh token of other API. The thing is, this values are input in my custom code as more
rechavar on May 13, 2022
Hey everybody! This time Im needing a way to change te body request in a post method using workflow weebhook. need to use some properties to build the request boddy and place them in specific named variables. "chatPlatform": "whatsapp", "ch read more
0 upvote
1 Reply
rechavar on April 28, 2022
Hi everybody, hope everythings going well! This is my situacion, Im sending lead info from my webpage to hubspot using python. the thing is, some properties doesnt need to be overwrited. E.g. someone is looking product in my website, so he sen read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
May 02, 2022
Thank you so much my man, really appreciated it!!! this everything im needing!!!
rechavar on April 28, 2022
Hi everybody, hope everythings going well! This is my situacion, Im sending lead info from my webpage to hubspot using python. the thing is, some properties doesnt need to be overwrited. E.g. someone is looking product in my website, so he sen read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
May 02, 2022
Thank you so much my man, really appreciated it!!! this everything im needing!!!
rechavar on April 28, 2022
Hi everybody, hope everythings going well! This is my situacion, Im sending lead info from my webpage to hubspot using python. the thing is, some properties doesnt need to be overwrited. E.g. someone is looking product in my website, so he sen read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
May 02, 2022
Thank you so much my man, really appreciated it!!! this everything im needing!!!
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