
Miembro desde ‎abr 26, 2022
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David Stone

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DaveStone en Noviembre 27, 2023
When sending an email, from Outlook, HubSpot enables everything but the ability to create a task, like it does when an email is sent from HubSpot.
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DaveStone en Abril 13, 2023
The field "entered stage date" is already being captured. This would be a very useful piece of information as we analize the bottle necks in the pipeline. I understand not being able to provide the "days in stage", as its an aggregate but not being Leer más
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Zeppelin en Febrero 08, 2019
When an activity is logged and the option is presented to "create a follow up task" i would like to be able to edit the title of this task during this step, one is only allowed to chose in how many days the task will be created. I do not find the cu Leer más
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Noviembre 18, 2022
being able to edit the name/title of the "follow up" would be huge. we should be able to update in the same manner as you do when you create tasks ...Leer más
DaveStone en Julio 18, 2022
Wehn creating a task. The system automatically checks the "associated with" records. The way our business works the company is not used for reporting at a deal level, the pipeline are more for P.M. tracking, as the project moves along. Everytime we Leer más
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DaveStone en Julio 13, 2022
There are only 3 types of tasks. It would be nice to be able to add different type of tasks. For example "FolowUp". THis could help to better manage the taks being done or needed to be done.
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DaveStone en May 27, 2022
We are able to access snippets, templates etc when craeting an email. However you cant access the quotes you created for a deal. If we have access to the other parts of comminications not sure why these are not able to be accessed.
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