
Member since ‎Apr 22, 2022
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CateDuarte on August 19, 2022
Hi, We have embedded a HS form into a Wix Website. Source is being picked correctly (via tracking code) but the URL being referred is the one pushed from the iframe which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't affecting the Traffic Sources report. read more
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1 Reply
August 20, 2022
with Wix sites I also faced the same issue even my clints faced this problem but you can click on this page to learn about it in detail.
CK13 on February 23, 2021
Hi, I have a problem that bothers me really much. I cant seem to get rid of the adress (last piece of text) in the preview text. On the second picture i have marked with red what i need to NOT have in det preview text. Does anybody have any read more
2 Replies
August 18, 2022
There are some very similar problems that I am facing here kindly help me to fix this problem.
CeliaHolland on July 26, 2022
Hi all, I have three sections on my website. All have a CTA, but only one works. The other ones are not clickable at all.
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3 Replies
July 29, 2022
In my project all the three CTA buttons are not working and you can click on the link to check its detail also.
DEl-Kadi on July 01, 2022
I just uploaded ~150 social posts for scheduling and in a few of them, the thumbnails don't show. When I click on each post and preview it, it looks fine. Should I be worried that the posts might go live without the visuals?
July 02, 2022
If you are looking for the best solution I will suggest you to find the related posts where the team surly guided about it so you can take that more
JSadeghiAzizk on June 13, 2022
Hi there I have created my landing page and its content, yet after publishing none of my contents show up. I have attached photos of my page in edit mode and in published mode to clear my point. I cleared my cache, tried on incognito mode, and read more
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5 Replies
June 17, 2022
This is a pure serious issue that I am also facing here on my website landing page kindly guide us about it because its pretty difficult.
katelesniak on May 10, 2022
Calling all organizaitons and companies that want to cultivate deep engagement and make a real impact! This HubSpot for Nonprofits + New/Mode event is for you. Worshop: Hot Nonprofits Can Turn Engagement Into Impact When: May 25 at 2pm ET read more
2 Replies
May 20, 2022
I am also looking for the same answer as you mentioned here for my nice9 website waiting for the experts guide about it.
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