
Member since ‎Apr 22, 2022
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Ronny Pedersen

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RonPedersen on March 23, 2023
Hi. It would be practical to have a function that gives a notification, or at least a daily a email report, with information about emails that get moved to the spam folder. Ronny P.
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BjornAndersson on August 10, 2020
Hi Our current Ticket ID number series are 9 digits long, if at any point we have to relay on this number to identify an issue the chanses it will be missread is significant. Would be great if we could reset it to start from 1 again or if we read more
8 Replies
April 22, 2022
Yes. The possibility to create own ticket numberseries would be great.
MarketingSarah on February 25, 2020
When a new ticket is created because of an email automatically the subjectline becomes the ticket title. It would be so helpful if the ticket ID was automatically placed after the ticket title and also the subjectline. That way a ticket can easily b read more
10 Replies
April 22, 2022
Yes, ticket ID automatically in the subject line is crucial in a good ticketing system.
JoanneTapping on September 10, 2018
Whilst the Ticket system is useful, when you have 150-200 tickets in varying pipelines within ServiceHub can be confusing when searching for a particular ticket. It would be immensly valuable to include the Ticket ID to all subsequent emails fro read more
72 Replies
April 22, 2022
Yes, ticket ID automatically in the subject line is crucial in a good ticketing system.
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