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Connor Thomas

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DF42 on September 25, 2024
The current ConnectWise PSA HubSpot integration does a great job of syncing most properties between ConnectWise Companies, Contacts, and Opportunities (HubSpot Deals). However, there is a major gap: The opportunity financial data does not sync. Beitrag ansehen
November 04, 2024
It's a feature that is needed - drives me mad that this integration has existed for soo long and they've made zero progress on fixing. One thing th...Beitrag ansehen
kelseybodnar on Januar 18, 2023
We had a client reach out asking if it's possible to have a setting for the most recent deal to be listed when logging emails in Outlook toward a deal in HubSpot. Right now, there is no way to organize the deals that are the most recent to the cont Beitrag ansehen
September 19, 2023
This drives me mad! We really need it to show the most recent 3... or only open deals.
Alexi_Leimbach on Oktober 28, 2021
The only way to see how a list has increased or decreased in size is to go to the individual list performance area. But we cannot save the report or add it to a dashboard. It would be great to not only save that report but then take it a step farthe Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 13, 2022
I agree, this is also needed. I think reports tool needs a way to report on a property value growth over time
CThomas2 on Dezember 13, 2022
I'm suprised this doesn't exist and I imagine it would really take reporting to the best level. A feature in reports where you can generate a report based on the history of the property and its growth overtime. An example where I would use this Beitrag ansehen
caroline_at_hv on Mai 17, 2017
Looking to create a report using the create date of a property or date the property is changed, which can be found in the history of the property, as one of the metrics for the report. A report that will give me the number of deals that were Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 13, 2022
Its now 2022, and we still don't have this. It would be amazing to be able to generate a report based on the history of a property. An example is a...Beitrag ansehen
finn on Mai 05, 2020
As a superadmin I would like to be able to customize the RIGHT sidebar in contacts, companies and other record types with a right sidebar, just like I can already today customize the left sidebar. As a minimum, I want to be able to show/hide the Beitrag ansehen
48 Antworten
Juli 01, 2022
Whats the latest on this? Would have loved to sign up to the beta but guess I was too late.
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