
Miembro desde ‎abr 20, 2022
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Michael Clifton

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MG en May 05, 2017
Currently if a user has access to edit one contact's property, they have access to edit all contact properties. We have the ability to restrict a user from creating or deleting properties but it would be incredibly helpful to restrict the edit Leer más
295 Me gusta
105 Respuestas
Febrero 26, 2024
This function is needed at all levels, not just Enterprise. We are onthe professional plan with all of the modules and this would really help us con...Leer más
MClifton en Febrero 22, 2024
I'm trying to find a solution to an ongoing problem with emails we capture creating contacts in HubSpot. The issue is the large number of emails that start with, accounting@ or purchasing@ or parts@. I realize these will be captured but they don Leer más
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2 Respuestas
MClifton en Octubre 05, 2023
Is there a way to use Sequences to send three different email in succession without the contact being unenrolling for opening the 1st, 2nd or 3rd email?
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2 Respuestas
MClifton en Septiembre 22, 2023
When we have new contacts created by emails sent, we get this message. This contact was created from Offline Sources from Sales extension. This also provides us with the State/Region as initials. How do we change it so that what is imported is Leer más
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1 Respuestas
MClifton en Septiembre 08, 2023
How do I make a sequences of emails that includes both Template emails from Communication and Marketing Emails from the Marketing section? The Template emails are standard text and the Marketing email have more graphics and links to surveys. Can I Leer más
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4 Respuestas
JBigbee en Noviembre 01, 2021
This feature request is for anyone that uses the sequence feature in Hubspot. The goal of this feature request is to get attachments added to emails that are apart of a sequence. The value that this feature request adds is that it will get Leer más
92 Me gusta
43 Respuestas
Agosto 07, 2023
This is a must for sales. The need to be able to have a PDF in a sequeced email string helps break up the dull method of just typed email after typed...Leer más
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